Somersetshire Coal Canal Society

The Somersetshire Coal Canal Society is the driving force behind the restoration of the 10 miles long Somersetshire coal canal.

We were first formed as a historical society in 1992. The main work of the Society was to research, document and preserve the canal. In 2008 it was apparent that there was a huge local appetite for restoration. The constitution was then changed to include restoration. Due to the work that was done in the early years of the Society, we have one of the best researched unnavigable canals in the country, this is something that we are incredibly proud of. If you have any questions that you would like to ask please go to our contact us and select the team member that best suits your enquiry.

As a charity, we are run purely on a voluntary basis and currently have about 350 members spread far and wide. Some of the local members attend our weekly work parties. The work consists of general maintenance of the restored section at the Western end of the northern branch close to Paulton and preservation work at the Combe Hay lock flight. For this work to be effective we need more people to get involved, and as we progress with the restoration the numbers of willing volunteers would need to rise. This is a tremendous opportunity for the community to get involved in a local project that will benefit all that come in contact with the canal and create and maintain a wildlife corridor.

Keep an eye on our events page to find out when working parties are running as well as various walks and social events.

The Somersetshire Coal Canal Society is heavily dependent on volunteers and donations, so please take time to look at our fundraising page to see how you could help.

You can view our privacy policy here.

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